週一, 03 10th

Last update06:35:17 PM

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The Alumni Association of the Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School is very regretfully  aware of an official comment ever released by the spokesperson of the Filipino President Hall regarding the approval rate of His Excellency President Ma of the Republic of China. In responding to this comment, we have the following statement:

1, The approval rate of our president is an exclusive privilege of the citizens of the Republic of China. Your respectful government has no legitimate position to have any further interpretation.

二、針對他國元首所作評論,必須考量他國國民觀感,此乃任何文明國家政府機關發言人基本素養,希貴國   總統府高層深切反省。
2, Any comment towards the head of the foreign state should consider the passion element of its own citizens. This is the basic qualification that should be owned by any spokesperson of any governmental agency in any civilized country. We hope the leadership of your President Hall should review the appropriateness of your comment.

3, Any public comment ever made by the spokesperson may in essence represent the official stance of the agency, it therefore should be cautiously processed. For instance, some of our members define the silly smile persistently shown by your president, His Excellency President Aquino, makes him look like an idiot. Likewise, your representative to our nation has openly promised that we may send delegation for judicial investigation of this incident, yet, it was soon denied by your Justice Minister. Given the fact that you have failed to fulfill what your representative had ever promised, it is also considered by some of our members as an act worse than the prostitute in Manila since they would charge the price as originally promised and negotiated. Nevertheless, all these personal perspectives will never be formally released as any part of our official stances since we have no official capacity to assess the intelligence quotient of your president and the integrity of your officials. We therefore declined to take such personal speculations and judgments as any element of our official statement. For this reason, we hope that this virtue may inspire your spokesperson of your respectful President Hall.

4, There are many universal standards of respect and etiquette agreed by all civilized countries in the world. Any radical and reckless statement and action may only complicate the nature of the matter we need to cope with. We hope that your respectful nation may understand the basic rule of civilized society called reciprocity. All your respect to us will win the same respect. It is strongly recommended and reminded that all your humiliation is literally originated from your own deed and subsequently leads to the damage of your national integrity. We ask your attention to think this basic logic.

Disclaimer: all statements noted above are totally irrelevant with any of our governmental positions. Further, these statements are welcome to be scrutinized and commented by any member of the international community.

The Alumni Association of the Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School
Republic of China



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